List of our students who scored 95% and above in their board examination. (Academic Year 2013-14) Vaidehi Somani – 98.4% Ayesha Khan – 97.8% Hrituja Chavhan – 97.8% Harsh Surekha – 97.2% Jiva Bhise – 97% Devanshi Shah – 97% Manali Lathiya – 96.8%
Students Of Autocrat who were Rank Holders in their respective schools for the academic year 2013-2014 VII STD. STUDENTS VII STD. STUDENTS IX STD. STUDENTS
Our 10th standard student, Mehul Warhade qualified for II level NTSE examination. Autocrat wishes him bright success in his future endeavors. All the best Mehul…! We are proud of you…!